Questions from SciVis Class

Here are some answers to questions that we had in SciVis Class

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Creating an Animated GIF File with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop CC 2015

Stoplight Example

In Illustrator:

1.       Open Illustrator and draw a base Stop light (hint: a rectangle and three circles)

2.       Call this layer “light” and lock it

3.       Select and copy one of the circles

4.       Create three more layers called “Stop”, “Caution”, and “Go”

5.       Paste the circle onto the “Stop” layer, line it up with the circle underneath and change the fill to red.

6.       Paste the circle onto the “Caution” layer, line it up with the circle underneath and change the fill to yellow.

7.       Paste the circle onto the “Go” layer, line it up with the circle underneath and change the fill to Green.

8.       Save the document (call it stop light or whatever you like)

9.       File àExport , be sure Photoshop is selected for the file type.

10.   Save the file

In Photoshop:

1.       Open the Photoshop File that you created in Illustrator in Photoshop

2.       Go under the Window Menu and select Timeline

3.       Click the Create Video Timeline Button

4.       Adjust the view of the timeline so you can see it better

5.       Order and adjust the timeline.  You may have to add a video group and Undo a lot if you get the result you don’t like.  You can preview the animation at any time by clicking the play button.

This takes a little work and practice to be good at it.

6.       When you’ve got the animation the way you want it save the file

7.       Go to the file menu and choose Exportà Save for web (Legacy), the save and preview dialog box will come up.  GIF file is the default, but if it shows up as something else choose GIF file.

8.       You probably need to adjust the size and looping options.  Click the Preview button to bring the animated GIF file up in Internet Explorer to see a preview of what it will look like.

9.       Save your file and enjoy.



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